![]() Saturday, April 5, 2008, 4:55 AM
13 MORE DAYS TO THE START OF MID-YEAR !start mugging ! , 3:00 AM
sorryits our fault we should have paid more attention to you we should have put in more effort in the dance i know you very kanchiong very worried for us we should be ashamed of ourselves dont blame others but only ourselves for not working hard enough we will do our best ! sorry -this post very maodun with the previous post -.- , 2:49 AM
yeahso what we ARE a neighbourhood school we cant perform up to your standard we are very slow the slowest school you ever met the other schools already know their steps and we being the slowest and stupidest people are still struggling . do you know that the 'S' is very difficult to form ? the other letters are a formed by straight lines . we cannot complain since our dance steps are so much easier compared to them make us run in circles and then doing you-know-what so fed-up with us that you even change the direction and make everyone run the same way want say say us lah why go blame the teachers ? also nothing to do with them like what mrs tan said / feel we should be feeling proud that we are chosen to perform but going at this rate we are going to fail badly . very badly . Friday, April 4, 2008, 4:31 PM
just when i thoughtthought that you two are perfect tian yi wu feng when i thought you found the right partner for yourself when i thought you two were meant to be together seeing how close you two are makes me feel idk after the quarrel last year with her we've became a three you two always in your own world laughing like mad laughing like crazy doing all those crazy stuff you just make me feel unwanted extra that feeling isnt good and i suggest to erhem* that they stop doing that to erhem* ---------------------------------------------------- now i know that it is not only me who feels that way but you too try talking to her and she doesnt respond much or what then come talk to me i can give you a sense of security i can give you a sense of warmth if she cant i will not only make school not just a place to study but a place filled with warmth even if i dont understand you i will try my best to understand you i will put in my 101% effort i promise . i wonder how to be close when you know .. when you dont even trust each other in the first place [?] the question i used to thought thought that you two are so close or so able to communcate that there are no problems but then now i know that is not because of that it is because you two dont even talk at all ! urgh ! idk , 4:22 PM
i just realise somethinghow small how bad the sound will be how inferior we'll sound next year when the sec 4s are gone we will sound like pieces of shit / dung whichever you prefer compared to now and next year's syf year gosh buck up ! without elias how khidir and i are suppose to survive ? we cant play properly without him . BUCK UP ! |
Gina.Presbyterian High School Three Devotion 09 PHS Symphonic Band :D Tenor Saxophonist (: Tagboard
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