![]() Sunday, March 30, 2008, 9:53 PM
im disappointed4 out of 5 matches and still lost in the end well JIAYOUS when you are in Bgirls you still have your chance ! grrr ! *notice the striked out 'we' ? guess what tessa said was correct the memories will always be there the good ones the bad ones all will be etched in my mind in my memories always <3 , 9:42 PM
IM VERY BORED NOW !trying very hard to find the sportsman / sportswoman to do the olympics ws which i dont know how to do -.- TAG REPLIES ;jan random . tralalalalalalalalalalalalal :D ;xue berh-nah-nah your england damn powderful sia . how can i post about the future ? [actually is possible -.-] :D ;sheryl hahahs . after a long time . <3 ;olivia yeahyeah . whats your nipple character name ? hahahs ;D ;sihui yeah i didnt hear anything i just saw the word nipplenipple . ;D ;weili ohyes ! i know you are trying very hard to find out who the heck someone ***** maybe i'll go ask that someone . ;D ;olivia well but she is inevitable ! she pops out everywhere and anywhere ! :D ;tessa stop diao-ing me diao somemore i diao you back -.- <3 Sunday, March 23, 2008, 3:43 PM
it hurts me to see you like thisyou may appear to be strong outside but deep down i know you are really hurt really sad it can be done and it must be done it cannot be hanging down there waiting for no one to clear it up no one can help you accept yourself ILOVEYOU <3 , 3:40 PM
tag replies xue; guess that post from jan is quite long ! hahs xD tessa; yeah no one knows what will happen but i guess it can be over soon trust me you can do it ! xD jan; i just updated and you updated for me too ! thanks ! xD olivia; hahs maybe fishes are also not bad . xD jean; diao ! still ignoring her tsk tsk bad girl ! xD , 3:30 PM
AHAHA !the previous post . thanks jan ! for trying to keep my blog alive . nothing much tons of homework thursday; had normal lessons the thai people came couldn't communicate had ndp in the afternoon my kneecap is in pain now. friday ; went to spotlight trying to find materials for art i need inspiration saturday; BAND -ed nothing much the new piece is so difficult nothing much leh trying to find out what can i do to lengthen my post and xue the previous post is very long liao guess it can make up for my short posts ? xD Saturday, March 22, 2008, 8:40 AM
Wahahaha ! Since Gina's gonna update once in a century , i'll just help her for the time being XDOkay ... but i seriously got nothing to blog about on another person's blog .. hmmm . Then i shall just crap abit . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Oh yeah , xue says gina nidda lengthen her posts . That's just what i'm doing right now xD ! Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Still not long enough ! Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . GETTING THERE ! Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . Crap . ANDDDDD DONE ! HAH , i've finished crapping . Gtg ! Cya guys soon x) ( don't blame me for being lame ) Janrie :D Sunday, March 9, 2008, 12:05 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICHOLAS!oh. today's ni-ge-la-si 's birthday was reminding me a few days ago. hahs JJfair was -bleh- VERY tiring and our food ran out so fast drinks too was running around to get water now my feet are damn SORE and i cant sit down properly stand too long liao our food stall close very early and went to games stall to help make water bombs we make they play we tiring they fun it's hard work reach home about 10+ bathe sleep damn tired TAGS REPLY xue; lols. thats very scary can it will be like talking to yourself hahs sihui; another lol one. jean; diao lah you! lazy + tired hahs Saturday, March 1, 2008, 9:25 PM
i have got nothing to blogexcept for that darn maths lesson forget about it . tag replies joyce; hahs. :] jean; lol la you :] sihui; thanks for offering a ear/hand but er the more i talk the more confuse i become and i cant solve it but i also cant just leave it there not caring about it. anyways thanks! :] xue; OMG you talk to your pooh?! hahs :] carol; YOYOYOYOYO! :] ps. xue dont dare to go to the toilet in sch after watching the movie hahs ;D |
Gina.Presbyterian High School Three Devotion 09 PHS Symphonic Band :D Tenor Saxophonist (: Tagboard
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