![]() Monday, October 22, 2007, 2:01 AM
oki shall blog when jan's helping me in maple doing the jumping quest damn it la keep dropping down sian these few days so sian la go sch do nth talk about maple :D play :D today the mindmapping so eeyer lor somemore morning mrs tan scold us all the boys fault lah! then now need write reflection and today witness a public caning the two put of four who vandalise the sch six strokes each expelled that's their punishment then after that wanted to take instrument *edited* later some kaypo kan dao LOL Thursday, October 11, 2007, 5:28 AM
siann-edresults for EOY were like so wtf la damn it see arh english: paper 1 - 42/60 paper 2 - 46/60 total - 88/130 [: Dnt : 65/100 (: Geog: 54/100 =X lit: 25/50 =XXXXX english is okay hai hao la Dnt expected to fail so still ok lor better than home econs somemore is only theory still got practical geog OMG actually expected to fail cause i only did 3 questions but i almost! lit sianned lucky still got overall and this exam is like only 40%? only satified with eng jan was like pro-ded? 47 for paper 1 and 2 gosh so high well the marks are like shit hope the other subjects will be better maths maths maths first time SO confident later come out fail T.T Tuesday, October 9, 2007, 11:22 PM
yesterdaywent kayaking/ dragon-boating though it was very fun paid a great price for it kena sunburnt red and raw now brought sunblock but u noe wad? it was lying inside my bag till it was over then i realised too late sunburn-ed kayaking was nicer than dragon-boating both also nvr capsized lets start from the beginning was there listening to the instructers talking then wore the pdf (?) went into the water and see if it floats arms and fingers locked together carried the kayaks onto the water and off we go paddle paddle paddle finally reach the instructer there then we hold on to each other's kayak poor thing for all those sitting in front while we hold the kayaks they had to stand up in the kayaks on the water and far away from land lucky we no need to do then paddle paddle paddle again then the instructer said we had a 'special' mission and u know wad it is?! the others got to change into dragonboat on land and we had to do it in the water! like wth! ya wad a 'special' mission then change lor dragonboat not nice kayak nicer then finish liao went bathe/wash up there's like only 3 cubicles with shower heads how bathe??? then me jan xue used the tap behind to wash up wash wash wash then listen to the intructer talk crap lobsters fish after that go back at home i then found out that i had a bad sun-burnt all red and raw i was like so stupid to bring sunblock and not use it sian-ed |
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